14 diciembre 2013

Famous For A Life

Polaroid photos
Si alguien me preguntara que haría si de pronto un día me convirtiera en una persona famosa, le diría que probablemente saldría a dar un paseo para ver si la gente me reconoce y me pide que les firme autógrafos, lo que es divertido porque mi firma es muy fea e infantil. Pero de todas formas, eso es lo primero que haría. Después, seguro que iría a la peluquería y de tiendas para estar guapísima cuando los paparazis me fotografiasen por la calle, obviamente, con una pose natural ya ensayada. Y rezaría para no aparecer en un ARGG de la Cuore. Pero si ese fuese el caso, uno pequeño en La esquina de la página. Tras eso, abriría mi cuenta de twitter y con una falsa mueca d incredulidad vería la gran cantidad de seguidores que he alcanzado. Y twittearía algo típico como: “¡Oh dios mío, acabo de ver todos los seguidores que he alcanzado ahora mismo! Muchísimas gracias por todo vuestro apoyo, os quiero mucho, mucho. ¡Yaay, sois los mejores chicos! ¡No puedo creer lo que está pasado en mi vida, intento mantener los pies en la tierra pero estoy flipando, esto es increíble! Os lo debo todo Xx” I entonces me daría cuenta de que es demasiado largo porque el tweet sobrepasa los 140 caracteres. ¡Maldita sea! Así que por el contrario twittearía algo estúpido para ver cómo reacciona la gente.

If I were asked what would I do if I suddenly become famous, I would say I’d probably go for a walk to see if people recognizes & stops me to sign autographs to them, which actually is quite funny because my firm is so rude and childish. But anyway, this is what I would do first. Then, I’d surely go to a hairdresser and go shopping to look gorgeous when paparazzi shoot me on the street, of course, in a prepared natural pose. And I would pray for not to appear as an ARGG from Cuore. But if so, a little one in the corner of the page. After that I would open my twitter account and with a false surprised face I’d see the high quantity of followers I had reached. I would tweet something mainstream like: “Oh my God! Just seen all the followers I have right now! Thank you so much for all your support, I love ya lots and lots! Yaay you’re the best peeps! Can’t believe what is happening on my life, trying to keep my feet on the ground but I’m really freaking out, this is incredible! I owe yaa! Xx” And I would notice that it is too long because the tweet exceeds the 140 characters. Oh, damn! So I would tweet something stupid instead to see how people reacts.

Tras esto, supongo que me llamarían para que les concediera una entrevista en una emisora de radio, con suerte, en un programa de televisión. Así que tendría que prepararme las respuestas, algunas más profundas, otras con una broma intercalada.También me invitarían a una fiesta privada, vestida con un espléndido vestido de Burberry o Cavalli, donde conocería muchos famosos, de uno de los cuales me enamoraría. ¿Quién podría ser el afortunado? Acepto propuestas. Ambos- mi nuevo novio y yo- daríamos largos paseos por el centro de la ciudad cogiéndonos de las manos y besándonos para protagonizar un bonito y romántico artículo fotográfico de Grazia llamado “La pareja del momento de paseo romántico” O algo similar.

After doing that, I think that I would be called for an interview in a music station, luckily, in a TV program. So, I would have to prepare my answers, some of them in a depth way, others with a joke indeed. I also would be invited to a VIP party, dressed with a splendid dress from Burberry or Cavalli and I would meet plenty of famous people, one of them I’d fall in love for. Who the fortunate could be? I accept proposes. We- my new boyfriend and I- will go for longs walks in the centre of the city holding our hands and kissing to make a beautiful and romantic photographic article of Grazia which would be called “The highlighted couple of the moment go for a romantic walk”. Or something similar.

Meses- menos probablemente años- después, romperíamos, y empezarían a correr muchos rumores y especulaciones increíbles sobre nosotros que tendría que desmentir. Años y años de entrevistas- respondiendo a las mismas preguntas-, premieres, fiestas de moda y ese tipo de cosas que hacen los famosos- sean lo que sean-, en medio lidiar con los paparazis y las revistas contando detalles falsos ( o no) de mi ida privada que diría que quiero mantener en privado pero que no lo haría. Pero, ¿sabéis que? Creo que al final me acabaría cansando de ser tan popular, que llegaría en momento en el que empezaría a hacer cosas estúpidas. Se le llama el síndrome de Cyrusness. Al menos es como yo lo he bautizado.

De todas formas, finalmente trataría de pasar desapercibida tanto como me fuera posible, pero solo hasta mi funeral, que os apuesto a que sería  tan memorable y glamuroso como el de una persona a la que alguien le preguntó qué haría si de repente se volviera famosa.      

Months – less probably years- after, we will break up, and there would be plenty of rumours and crazy speculations about us that I would have to squash. Years and years of interviews- answering the same questions-, premieres, fashion parties and that kind of stuff famous do- whatever it is-, amid dealing with paparazzi and magazines telling false ( or not ) details about my private life which I would say I want to keep in privacy but I really wouldn’t. But you know what, I do think that finally I would get tired of being that popular, and that would be the moment I would start doing some foolish things. It’s called the syndrome of Cyrussness. At least how I have called it.
Anyway, I would finally try to be invisible as more as I could, but just until my funeral, that I bet you would be memorable and glamorous as the funeral of a person who has been asked what she would do if she suddenly became famous.
Qué harías tu si de repente te convirtieras en alguien famoso?/ What would you do if you suddenly become famous?
I'm starting with my new YouTube Channel soon, so if you facy feel free to suscribe, I'll do it back, of course!  My Youtube Channel  😍😍



11 comentarios:

  1. That's a brilliant post, I've done +1. People should read it!! It makes u smile in some points but at the end of the day that makes you think about how being famous is the same (maybe sometimes sad) life for every "superstar". Like a book you read 1000 times just changing characters. By the way I'm following you through GFC :) hope to read something interesting like this again! x

  2. Et fas llegir Mery i això és un bon camí per arribar a ser bona escriptora. La fama ja vindrà més endavant si segueixes amb aquest ritme. Felicitats!

  3. Déu! Quina imaginació! Tens fusta d'escriptora. T'aniré llegint, que m'ho passo molt bé fent-ho.

  4. good luck with your youtube! i just started one as well :) http://youtube.com/hidanielleandnicole

    xx fameliquorlove

  5. Great post!
    would you like to follow each other?

  6. You have great blog, this is a very nice post dear! Would you like to follow each other? I am a new follower # 36. Hope you will stop by my blog and follow me back.
    Thank you

  7. that would be fun just to walk around and see if any one recognises you!


  8. I've never seen a post like this before, it's really innovative and made me smile at certain parts! If I was famous, I would probably just keep going the way I am now...I would be very grateful to fans and would love to get to know them! I would definitely be excited for the big events, socialising with new people, designer dresses, yummy food and extra attention...we all secretly love attention! Plus it would mean I have a chance to marry Henry Cavill. To be fair, I've already decided we are getting married, famous or not, he just doesn't know it yet :-) What I find more interesting though, is what it is that I would be famous for?! I've given you a follow on gfc and bloglovin, excited for more of your posts :-)

  9. Lol sounds like a fun life for the rich and the famous. Lol-ed at the part of twitter, because celebs totally do that in real life!

    Mili from Call me, Maeby

  10. I subscribed to your channel
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  11. Hey! you have such a lovely blog!! Lets stay in touch!
    Wanna follow each other? Do let me know, I'll follow right back! ^_^

