30 de Noviembre de 2013...Unos ojos grandes y marrones observan curiosos cómo la gente pasa a su alrededor con la vista fija en las luces brillantes e hipnotizadoras que decoran y anuncian la llegada de la Navidad en el centro comercial... La chica ríe ante un comentario gracioso de una de sus amigas, se balancea sobre sus talones con nerviosismo mientras se frota sus heladas manos y sigue observando la multitud, hasta que finalmente llega a su destino... Dos grandes puertas automáticas se abren para ella, y el calor que le recorre el cuerpo al entrar hace que suspire ligeramente... El dulce e inconfundible olor a palomitas se infiltra temerario y amenazador por su nariz, y automáticamente, cómo si de un robot se tratase, la muchacha persigue ese olor, como un león salvaje que acecha a su presa...
-Una pequeña de palomitas dulces, por favor.
-¿Algo más?
-Sí, una botella de agua.
-Cinco con cuarenta, gracias.
La oscuridad la engulle de golpe, solo pequeñas luces azules en el suelo permiten que ella y sus amigas encuentren sus butacas... Cuchicheos y risas estúpidas rellenan el tiempo de espera, hasta que al final, la música empieza a sonar por toda la sala...Ella siente que el sonido se ha adentrado en su cabeza...Y en la gran pantalla aparece el rostro de una chica morena de ojos verdosos, sujetando un arco y una flecha...
En Llamas, "Catching Fire" es sin lugar a dudas una de las mejores adaptaciones cinematográficas que he visto jamás. No hablaré demasiado de la película, porque realmente necesito verla de nuevo para poder analizarla detenidamente y hacerle la crítica que se merece. Pero no puedo escribir esta entrada al blog sin asegurar que el filme es espectacular.
30th of November, 2013... Two brown big eyes observe curiously how people walk around with their eyes staring the brighting and mesmerizining lights decorating the shopping centre and announce that Christmas is pretty near...The girl laughs at a funny comment from one of her friends , rocking on her heels nervously while rubbing her cold hands and continues to monitor the crowd, until she finally reaches her destination ... Two large automatic doors open for her, and the heat that travels through the body makes her entering sighed slightly ... The unmistakable sweet smell of popcorn permeates reckless and threatening in her nose, and automatically , as if she were a robot , the girl dogs that smell like a wild lion stalks its prey ...
'One of little sweet popcorns, please.'
'Anything else?'
'Yep...a bottle of watter.'
'Five fourty, thank you.'
The darkness swallows her suddenly, only some small blue lights on the ground allow her and her friends to find their seats ... Whispers and stupid laughts fill the waiting time until eventually, the music starts playing throughout the room ... She feels that the sound has entered on her head ... And on the big screen appears the face of a brunette girl with green eyes, holding a bow and an arrow ...
"Catching Fire" is undoubtedly one of the best cinematographic adaptations I've ever seen. I am not going to talk too much about the movie because I really need to see it again to analyze it carefully and make the review it deserves. But I could not write this blog post without making sure for you that the film is spectacular.
Dicho esto, puedo desvelaros- sí, lo habéis adivinado- que ayer fui al cine, y de paso hice alguna que otra compra...
En primer lugar, encontré en Primark ( que estaba abarrotado de gente- me agobié muchísimo y me marché casi corriendo-) estos monísimos y navideños calcetines para tener los pies calentitos este invierno ( los del reno me encantan).
Said this, , I can reveal, -yes, you guessed it-, that I went to the cinema yesterday, and incidentally did some other shopping ...
Firstly I found in Primark (which was crowded and stir me so much tht I had to left almost running) these really cute Christmassy socks to keep your feet warm this winter (I love the reindeer ones!).
También me compré dos pintalabios, el primero es más oscuro, color arándano, y que puedo asegurar que huele de maravilla. Y el segundo es más rosado, más suave, aunque debo confesar que para mi gusto es muy líquido.
I also bought two lipsticks, the first one is darker, in a cranberry color, and I can assure you that smells wonderful. And the second is pinker, softer, although I must confess that for my taste is very liquid.
Tras el maquillaje, no pude resistirme y entré en la tienda " Muy Mucho" de decoración. Todo lo que tienen es precioso, y está a muy buen precio. No compré nada, porque sabía que si empezaba no acabaría nunca y mi tarjeta de crédito sufriría un infarto; pero hace una semana encontré en la misma tienda, este aceite ambientador de frutos rojos que te invita a olisquear la navidad...
After the makeup, I could not resist and I went into the decor store "Muy Mucho" . All they have is beautiful, and in a very good price. I did not buy anything, because I knew that if I started, I would never end and my credit card would suffer a heart attack; but a week ago I found in the sme store this red fruits oil freshener which invites you to sniff Christmas ...
Finalmente, quiero mostrar- en este popurrí de entrada-, las uñas de esta semana.
No sé si será porque estos días he
estado con la canción "Royals" en repetición una y otra vez, pero hoy me siento algo barroca y de la realeza ( adoro los estilismos de la época victoriana ), y eso se ha visto reflejado en el color dorado que he elegido. Dos capas de color, y otra de White Manicure de L'Oreal para darle un acabado más vidrioso y moderno.
Finally, I want to show you in this -medley entry-,the nails of this week.
I don't know if it's because these days I have been with the song "Royals" on repeat over and over again, but today I feel somewhat baroque and royalty (I love the styles of the Victorian era), and this has been reflected in the golden color I've chosen. Two layers of color, and another layer of White Manicur by L'Oreal for a more glassy and modern finish.
I hope you liked my strange and messy post. What's your nail's art for this week? Are you preparing yoursefl for Chritmas?
(Sneak peak of the coming post!😍 )
-Una pequeña de palomitas dulces, por favor.
-¿Algo más?
-Sí, una botella de agua.
-Cinco con cuarenta, gracias.
La oscuridad la engulle de golpe, solo pequeñas luces azules en el suelo permiten que ella y sus amigas encuentren sus butacas... Cuchicheos y risas estúpidas rellenan el tiempo de espera, hasta que al final, la música empieza a sonar por toda la sala...Ella siente que el sonido se ha adentrado en su cabeza...Y en la gran pantalla aparece el rostro de una chica morena de ojos verdosos, sujetando un arco y una flecha...
En Llamas, "Catching Fire" es sin lugar a dudas una de las mejores adaptaciones cinematográficas que he visto jamás. No hablaré demasiado de la película, porque realmente necesito verla de nuevo para poder analizarla detenidamente y hacerle la crítica que se merece. Pero no puedo escribir esta entrada al blog sin asegurar que el filme es espectacular.
30th of November, 2013... Two brown big eyes observe curiously how people walk around with their eyes staring the brighting and mesmerizining lights decorating the shopping centre and announce that Christmas is pretty near...The girl laughs at a funny comment from one of her friends , rocking on her heels nervously while rubbing her cold hands and continues to monitor the crowd, until she finally reaches her destination ... Two large automatic doors open for her, and the heat that travels through the body makes her entering sighed slightly ... The unmistakable sweet smell of popcorn permeates reckless and threatening in her nose, and automatically , as if she were a robot , the girl dogs that smell like a wild lion stalks its prey ...
'One of little sweet popcorns, please.'
'Anything else?'
'Yep...a bottle of watter.'
'Five fourty, thank you.'
The darkness swallows her suddenly, only some small blue lights on the ground allow her and her friends to find their seats ... Whispers and stupid laughts fill the waiting time until eventually, the music starts playing throughout the room ... She feels that the sound has entered on her head ... And on the big screen appears the face of a brunette girl with green eyes, holding a bow and an arrow ...
"Catching Fire" is undoubtedly one of the best cinematographic adaptations I've ever seen. I am not going to talk too much about the movie because I really need to see it again to analyze it carefully and make the review it deserves. But I could not write this blog post without making sure for you that the film is spectacular.
Dicho esto, puedo desvelaros- sí, lo habéis adivinado- que ayer fui al cine, y de paso hice alguna que otra compra...
Said this, , I can reveal, -yes, you guessed it-, that I went to the cinema yesterday, and incidentally did some other shopping ...
Firstly I found in Primark (which was crowded and stir me so much tht I had to left almost running) these really cute Christmassy socks to keep your feet warm this winter (I love the reindeer ones!).
I also bought two lipsticks, the first one is darker, in a cranberry color, and I can assure you that smells wonderful. And the second is pinker, softer, although I must confess that for my taste is very liquid.
After the makeup, I could not resist and I went into the decor store "Muy Mucho" . All they have is beautiful, and in a very good price. I did not buy anything, because I knew that if I started, I would never end and my credit card would suffer a heart attack; but a week ago I found in the sme store this red fruits oil freshener which invites you to sniff Christmas ...
Finalmente, quiero mostrar- en este popurrí de entrada-, las uñas de esta semana.
No sé si será porque estos días he
estado con la canción "Royals" en repetición una y otra vez, pero hoy me siento algo barroca y de la realeza ( adoro los estilismos de la época victoriana ), y eso se ha visto reflejado en el color dorado que he elegido. Dos capas de color, y otra de White Manicure de L'Oreal para darle un acabado más vidrioso y moderno.
Finally, I want to show you in this -medley entry-,the nails of this week.
I don't know if it's because these days I have been with the song "Royals" on repeat over and over again, but today I feel somewhat baroque and royalty (I love the styles of the Victorian era), and this has been reflected in the golden color I've chosen. Two layers of color, and another layer of White Manicur by L'Oreal for a more glassy and modern finish.
I hope you liked my strange and messy post. What's your nail's art for this week? Are you preparing yoursefl for Chritmas?
(Sneak peak of the coming post!😍 )
Lovely blog here. The pic of the cat with glasses is too cute. Love the dark red lipstick. Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. Thank you.
Hi, thanks for following my blog :) I am just stopping by to follow back and check out your site.
Nice post, love the shades of the lipsticks and the socks are so cute too <3
The lipstick has a wonderful colour <3
ResponderEliminarMaybe we can follow each other on GFC , facebook and Bloglovin, if you want? Let me know :)
Thank you for your lovely comment and for following. I followed back :)
ResponderEliminarreally nice post!
ResponderEliminarxx fameliquorlove
I love the gold Nail Polish Color!!
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Hey hey,
ResponderEliminarI love your blog and that's why I am intviting you to enter my Christmas giveaway!
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